Saturday, December 24, 2011

Trail Camera - December 24th

Checked our camera this morning as the sun was rising.
There was a fresh layer of snow, but no tracks of any kind.
The food we had left in front of the camera was gone, obviously eaten before the snow fell the day before. The only shot on the camera was this one.
A really nice shot of a beautiful Coyote!
This photo was taken just hours before I checked the camera and clearly the food is already gone.
SOMETHING had a good meal without tripping the camera!
Next time out I'm going to have to play with the settings.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Netty, that is one healthy-looking coyote. Look at that lush coat. Trail cameras are fun, but I have to admit ours frustrates me, too. Sometimes all that's to be seen is the tail of the animal walking away.
