Monday, November 7, 2011

Netty versus the Manure Pile

This is the view from my window. A barn with a HUGE manure pile.
I have watching this pile for a few years now, steaming on the cool fall and winter days.
Last week I noticed a tractor out there turning the pile and I asked the farmer if I could have some.
"Help yourself! Take as much as you want!"
That was this gardeners dream!
So I loaded up the cart and trailer and set off
It was good looking stuff. Exactly what I needed for my veggie garden.
In all, I filled the cart and trailer 8 times. It was a lot of hard work. You see, we had a lot of rain last month. The pile was surrounded by puddles like this one
Yup, big wet manure puddles. The kind you get your boots stuck in.
These kind of puddles suck you right in.
This is what happens to brand new socks after getting stuck in a manure puddle
Manure pile-1 , Netty -0
But I was pleased with the end result.
We'll see who's laughing next spring!


  1. Oh, Netty - I don't know which is worse - manure digging or wallpaper stripping (which I'm still at by the way).

  2. I think I'd rather dig manure! ;)
    Stripping wallpaper is hard work!

  3. You are the only one I know who would be happy up to her knees in manure!

  4. I'm so glad you won, Netty! And your garden will be glad next spring, too.
